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Rabu, 28 Juli 2010


Alertpay adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak alat pembayaran online / payment processor / e-currency online payment. Semakin menjamurnya situs GPT (Get Paid To) di Internet yang menawarkan pembayaran melalui Alertpay, mendorong kita untuk memahami dan bergabung menjadi membernya. Tidak serumit payment processor yang lain yang memaksa user untuk memiliki kartu kredit untuk dapat diverifikasi, Alertpay memberi kemudahan dalam aktivasi atau verifikasi keanggotaan kita.

Apa keuntungan kita menjadi anggota Alertpay :
- Kita melakukan penambahan deposito (add funding),
- Menerima dan mengirim uang (send/receive), serta
- melakukan penarikan uang (withdrawing)

Syarat - Syarat Umum untuk membuat account Alertpay :
1. Berumur lebih dari 18 tahun
2. Memiliki e-mail (jangan mudah hilang, jangan mudah di delete, karena adanya batasan waktu jika tidak ada pakai)
3. Memiliki Identitas diri, bisa dengan KTP, SIM, KTM (Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa)
4. Memiliki rekening atas nama sendiri, misal Rekening Listrik, Rekening Telepon, Tagihan kartu kredit, Tagihan Pajak, yang nantinya untuk verifikasi nama dan alamat.

Untuk syarat no. 3 dan no. 4 dapat dilakukan setelah anda mendaftar, dan tidak ada tenggat waktu yang ditentukan oleh Alertpay untuk anda untuk mengirimkan data-data tersebut. Untuk lebih jelasnya akan dibahas di bawah nanti pada bagian Verifikasi akun Alertpay.

Lalu bagaimana kita dapat menjadi anggota dari Alertpay, berikut bagaimana langkah - langkah registrasi/pendaftaran menjadi anggota Alertpay :

Langkah 1 : Masuk Ke Situs ALERTPAY << Klik
Anda akan mendapatkan tampilan halaman depan situs Alertpay seperti pada gambar di bawah ini :

Langkah 2 : Klik Sign Up
Klik Sign Up Seperti Pada Panduan yang diberi tanda lingkar merah. Lalu Anda Akan melihat tampilan halaman selanjutnya seperti gambar di bawah ini :

Langkah 3 : Pilih Tipe Account Anda
Langkah Pertama Pilih Negara anda saat ini tinggal, kalo tinggal di Indonesia silahkan klik Drop Down menu (tarik ke bawah) segitiga di kolom "Choose your Country"

Ada 3 Pilihan Account yaitu :
- Personal Starter
- Personal Pro
- Business
Perbedaan di antara ketiga pilihan account tersebut adalah pada perbedaan kelonggaran aktifitas yang diberikan serta jumlah uang digital yang dapat ditransaksikan oleh user dan tentunya fee yang akan dibebankan kepada anda

Bagi anda yang pemula disarankan untuk memilih Personal Starter saja, lebih longgar dan sambil mempelajari ke depan untuk meningkatkan pilihan account lebih lanjut

Langkah 4 : Pengisian Data Pribadi

Keterangan form :

- First Name : isi dengan nama depan anda, contoh jika nama lengkap anda Paijo Tukijo Suparno, maka form first name ini anda isi dengan Paijo

- Last Name : isi dengan nama anda tanpa nama depan anda, isi lanjutan nama nada tadi dengan Tukijo Suparno saja.

- Phone : isi dengan nomor telepon atau nomor HP anda.

- Address 1 : isi dengan alamat anda yang sesuai dengan ID (KTP/SIM/KTM), contoh Jl. Jawa, Gg. Endok no. 7

- Address 2 : optional, bisa di isi atau di kosongkan, di isi bila anda mempunyai alamat lain.

- City/Town : isi nama kota/kabupaten anda sesuai dengan ID anda

- Region : isi provinsi dimana anda tinggal sesuai dengan ID, contoh JAWA TENGAH

- Postal Code : isi dengan kode pos daerah anda, contoh 57552

Cek kembali isian data-data dalam form tersebut, karena data-data tersebut sangat penting untuk anda di kemudian hari, karena sampai tulisan ini dibuat anggota Alertpay dari Indonesia, penarikannya hanya dapat dilakukan melalui cek yang nantinya dikirimkan ke alamat anda.

Jika data-data tersebut telah benar, tekanlah tombol NEXT untuk melangkah ke tahap selanjutnya

Langkah 5 : Email dan Kode Pengaman

Terlihat pada gambar di atas, halaman ini memberikan 8 form yang harus anda isi yang dibagi menjadi 3 kategori yaitu :

1. Login

Data-data ini diisi untuk keperluan login anda ke dalam situs Alertpay untuk manajemen saldo anda.

* Email Address :
Isi dengan alamat email anda, contoh . Alamat e-mail ini diproteksi dari spabot, silahkan aktifkan Javascript untuk melihatnya, karena Alertpay tidak memiliki nomor Rekening untuk para nasabahnya, maka alamat email anda-lah yang menjadi pengganti identitas no rekening anda di Alertpay. Isi alamat email anda dengan benar, karena email anda diperlukan oleh Alertpay untuk verifikasi pendaftaran.

* Password :
Isi kata sandi untuk akun anda, perhatian !!! jangan pernah mengisi isi kata sandi yang sama dengan kata sandi untuk email anda, jangan mengisi kata sandi sama dengan kata sandi pada akun mata uang / payment processor lainnya. Jangan isi dengan sesuatu yang mudah ditebak oleh orang lain, seperti no rumah, tanggal lahir, nama anak, angka kembar, angka berurut dan lain-lain. Isilah kata sandi yang susah ditebak orang lain dengan minimal 8 karakter yang merupakan kombinasi angka dan huruf. Contoh sarah847.

* Re-enter Password :
Isi sama dengan di atas Password, contoh pada form Password anda mengisi sarah847, maka pada form ini anda isi pula sarah847.

!!! Catat dan simpan data login ini ditempat aman !!!

2. Security Questions

Ini berfungsi sebagai pe-reset password, jika dikemudian anda lupa password untuk akun anda.

* Question 1 : ada 4 pilihan, yaitu :
1. Street name where you grew up? --> Daerah dimana anda di besarkan
2. Mother’s maiden name? --> Nama Ibu kandung
3. Name of first car you owned? --> Nama mobil pertama anda
4. City of birth? --> Kota kelahiran anda

Pilih salah satu pertanyaan di atas, yang nantinya anda isikan jawabannya pada form Answer 1.

* Answer 1 : isi sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang anda tentukan pada Question 1, contoh pada form Question 1 anda pilih Name of first car you owned? Maka isi jawaban anda misalnya Ferarri

* Question 2 :
ada 4 pilihan, yaitu :
1. What is your favorite city? --> Apa nama kota favorit anda
2. What is your favorite animal? --> Apa hewan favorit anda
3. What is your favorite song? --> Apa lagu favorit anda
4. What is favorite book? --> Apa buku favorit anda

Pilih salah satu pertanyaan di atas, yang nanti anda isikan jawabannya pada form Answer 2.

Answer 2 : isi dengan jawaban pada pertanyaan Question 2

3. Verification & User Agreement

Isi sesuai dengan gambar yang tersedia, jangan lupa beri centang pada baris terakhir, yang menyatakan anda telah setuju atas peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Alertpay.

Periksa data-data tersebut dengan teliti, kalau perlu anda catat dan disimpan. Setelah anda periksa klik tombol Register untuk melanjutkan langkah selajutnya, atau Previous untuk mengedit data sebelumnya.

Buka email anda, kemudian buka surat yang dikirimkan oleh Alertpay. Klik link yang terdapat di dalam isi email anda, yang kemudian mengarahkan anda ke halaman pendaftaran Alertpay selanjutnya.

Login akun Alertpay

Sekarang coba anda cek akun anda dengan login di Alertpay, masuk ke halaman utama Alertpay, dan klik Login yang terdapat di atas kanan halaman utama Alertpay, maka akan muncul form seperti gambar di bawah ini :

Isi Email sesuai dengan alamat email yang anda gunakan untuk mendaftar sebelumnya. Lalu isikan pula password-nya dan klik Login

Maka halaman akan menampilkan detail tentang status, saldo dan keterangan finansial akun Alertpay anda, seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Verifikasi akun Alertpay

Perhatikan gambar di atas, kemungkinan jika anda baru mendaftar di Alertpay maka halaman yang akan tampil akan seperti gambar di atas. Perhatikan tulisan-tulisan yang di lingkari. Pending Account Verification, ini maksudnya akun anda sementara masih dalam pemeriksaan dikarenakan anda belum melengkapi data-data yang dibutuhkan. Tetapi jangan khawatir langkah ini tidak harus anda lakukan hari itu juga. Anda dapat mengirimkan data-data tersebut dikemudian hari jika anda telah mempersiapkannya.

Dengan akun Unverified, sebenarnya anda telah dapat melakukan kegiatan mendaftar di program-program PTC atau sejenisnya. Tetapi saran kami segeralah anda mengirimkan data-data tersebut jika anda ingin mencairkan/mentransfer uang ke rekening Alertpay anda.

Untuk syarat no. 3 dan no. 4 seperti yang telah disebutkan di awal tulisan ini, silahkan scanner ID & rekening tersebut dan kirimkan ke Alertpay dengan cara upload. Ini dimaksudkan oleh Alertpay untuk mencegah kegiatan Money Loundry, dan nantinya jika anda melakukan penarikan uang dari Alertpay maka AlertPay akan mengirimkan Cek ke alamat rumah anda.

Data-data yang dibutuhkan :

1. ID berupa (KTP/SIM/KTM) cukup pilih salah satu ID yang anda punya.
2. No. Rekening/Tagihan, dapat dipakai rekening listrik, rekening telepon, tagihan kartu kredit, cukup pilih salah satu.

Untuk anda yang memiliki rekening tetapi bukan atas nama anda sendiri, anda dapat dengan mudah balik nama rekening atas nama anda, caranya bawa orang yang tertera dalam rekening ke kantor dan mintalah untuk dibalik namakan. Cukup satu (1) rekening saja yang dibutuhkan, misalnya anda ingin memakai rekening listrik atas nama orang orang tua anda sebagai verifikasi, maka bawa orang tua anda ke kantor PLN untuk balik nama rekening listrik ke nama anda. Atau pakai surat kuasa jika orang tua anda tidak sempat.

Bisa juga dengan tagihan telepon kartu HALO atau sejenisnya. Intinya Nama dan alamat anda pada no rekening harus sama dengan ID anda.

Setelah data-data tersebut komplit, scanner-lah data-data dengan format berwarna jangan hitam/putih. Jika anda belum mempunyai scanner, anda dapat meminta jasa rental yang ada scannernya, simpan file hasil scannernya dalam format JPG dan usahakan besar file tidak lebih besar dari 5 MB, intinya hasil scannernya dapat dengan mudah di baca oleh pihak Alertpay. Saran saya file data jangan lebih besar dari 1 MB, tetapi jangan pula sampai tidak bisa di baca. Jika belum paham dalam pengolahan gambar, anda dapat meminta jasa teman atau rental untuk mengolah file hasil scanner data-data tersebut. Buat ukuran filenya sekecil mungkin dan gambarnya sejelas mungkin.

Mengirimkan data-data ke Alertpay

Klik link Verified atau Check your verification status dan anda akan di arahkan kehalaman upload data.

Ada 2 langkah pengiriman ID, yaitu :

1. Pengiriman pertama adalah pengiriman ID anda. Pilih salah satu ID yang sesuai dengan dokumen yang telah anda siapkan, contoh pilih ID Country untuk mengirimkan data KTP, atau Drive’s Licence untuk SIM anda. Lalu pada bagian paling bawah halaman tekan tombol Browse dan pilih file yang berisi data KTP/SIM anda dan klik Upload, untuk mulai mengirim file. Tunggu sejenak sampai proses Upload selesai. Semakin besar file semakin lama proses Upload. Jangan memutuskan koneksi internet selagi proses Upload sedang berlangsung, jika proses Upload terputus, maka dapat dipastikan pengiriman gagal, dan anda harus mengulang pengiriman file tersebut.

2. Pengiriman kedua sama dengan langkah pengiriman pertama, pilih jenis rekening yang telah anda siapkan lalu kirim file tersebut.

Jika pengiriman file telah selesai, maka anda harus menunggu 10 hari masa kerja untuk diperiksa oleh Alertpay. Tetapi di tahap ini anda telah bisa memakai akun Alertpay untuk bertransaksi online. Tetapi jika di kemudian hari data-data anda di tolak oleh Alertpay maka anda harus mengulang mengirim data ke Alertpay lagi, lihat masalah apa yang menjadi data anda di tolak dari Alertpay !!! Biasanya file data hasil scannernya buram atau susah dibaca atau ID dan no. Rekening/Tagihan anda tidak cocok (beda nama/alamat).

Selesai Sampai Sejauh Ini Standard Registrasi Alertpay adalah seperti yang telah dipaparkan, jika dikemudian hari ada perubahan maka artikel ini juga akan diperbaiki.

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Cara Daftar Paypal

Paypal adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak perusahaan online yang menyediakan jasa transfer uang melalui internet. Para pengguna internet dapat dengan mudah membeli barang-barang dari internet hanya dengan membayar melalui Paypal. Mengapa kebanyakan orang-orang di internet memerlukan Paypal? Karena suatu alasan yang sangat fital, yaitu “Keamanan”. Banyak sekali pengguna internet memanfaatkan Paypal untuk pembelian barang, pembayaran lisensi suatu software, pembelian domain, pembelian hosting, menerima atau memberikan donasi pada orang lain atau dari orang lain, karena begitu banyak fungsi yang di lahirkan Paypal maka untuk saat ini Paypal merupakan sistem pembayaran yang sangat handal, mudah, aman dan terpercaya yang sangat perlu di miliki semua orang.

Dan kabar baiknya lagi paypal sekarang sudah sangat suport dengan Negara Indonesia :

1. Di website resmi Paypal ada bahasa Indonesianya
2. Kita bisa menarik dana dari paypal ke rekening Bank Indonesia atau bank lokal
3. Kita bisa Memverifikasi akun paypal dengan menggunakan rekening bank Indonesia atau bank lokal seperti BCA, Mandiri dan bank lainya

Bagemana dengan anda sudahkah anda memiliki dan meverifikasi akun paypal anda ? kalau belum di sini saya akan memberikan tutorial bagemana mendaftar dan memverifikasi akun paypal menggunakan Bank Lokal ,oke kita mulai sekarang :

1. Buka website resmi paypal Klik disini
2. klik Sign Up Today!
3. Maka anda akan di bawa ke langkah berikutnya yaitu ke menu pilihan akun paypal yang digunakan seperti Pribadi, Primer, dan Bisnis

Oke saya jelaskan sedikit arti dari jenis-jenis akun paypal tersebut :

* Jenis Akun Paypal Pribadi
==>yang hanya dapat digunakan untuk berbelanja online (melakukan transfer) dan tidak dapat digunakan untuk menerima transfer. Maksudnya begini, misalnya secara kebetulan anda suka berbelanja online di toko online semacam EBAY, maka sobat dapat menggunakan jenis account ini. Jadi jenis account personal ini sifatnya satu arah saja.
* Jenis Akun Paypal Premier
==>account perorangan yang dapat digunakan untuk berbelanja dan menjual secara online. Artinya sifat account primer ini dua arah, dapat mengirim dan menerima transfer dana secara online. Nah, bagi sobat yang mengikuti bisnis online seperti yang ada di blog saya ini, silahkan pilih account personal.
* Jenis Akun Paypal Bisnis
account yang diperuntukkan bagi pedagang (pebisnis) dengan menggunakan nama kelompok atau perusahaan. Jika sobat memiliki perusahaan dan sebagian bisnis sobat dijalankan secara online, silahkan gunakan jenis account ini.

Mudah-mudahan dengan keterangan di atas anda bisa memahami fungsi dari jenis-jenis akun tersebut lalu anda pilih salah satu jenis akunnya

4. Selanjutnya masukan informasi anda seperti Nama, Alamat, Telp, Email (Pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang anda isi untuk pendaftaran sama dengan data kartu kredit anda)

Untuk mata uang biarkan tetap U.S. Dollars karena Rupiah belum ada

Contoh penulisan nomor Telepon yang benar : 02177755555 atau 021-77755555 atau 62-21-77755555
Contoh penulisan nomor Mobile phone yang benar : 0812345678

Email yang anda masukan akan menjadi username PayPal anda untuk login atau bertransaksi menggunakan PayPal kemudian.

Isi Password anda dengan kombinasi huruf dan angka, minimal 8 karakter, gunakan password yang berbeda dengan password yang biasa anda gunakan

Pada Password Recovery pilih dan isikan 2 pertanyaan dan jawaban pribadi untuk mendapatkan password anda kembali jika suatu saat anda lupa password

Baca lagi User Agreement dan Privacy Policy jika diperlukan, lalu beri tanda centang pada Yes, dan ketikan kode pengaman yang berwarna kuning pada kolom yang tersedia tanpa spasi.

Periksa lagi dan pastikan Nama, Alamat, Telp yang anda isi sesuai dengan data kartu kredit anda, jika sudah yakin tekan Sign Up

5. (tidak wajib sekarang)Dibagian selanjutnya diinstruksikan untuk memasukan Nomor kartu kredit anda yang akan digunakan untuk memasukan dana ke account PayPal anda, Jika sudah klik Add Card.

Jika anda tidak ingin memasukan data kartu kredit anda sekarang klik Cancel, anda dapat memasukan data kartu kredit anda kemudian setelah login di halaman My Account

6. Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi bahwa anda telah mendaftar dan untuk mengaktifkan account PayPal, buka email dari PayPal tersebut dan klik link konfirmasi yang terdapat didalamnya untuk konfirmasi bahwa anda adalah pemilik email tersebut

7. Setelah itu anda akan dibawa kembali ke situs PayPal lagi dan masukan password anda lagi (anda harus memasukan password anda setiap ke situs PayPal) lalu ikuti langkah selanjutnya, setelah itu anda akan masuk ke halaman My Account

6. Jika anda sudah memasukan data kartu kredit di halaman My Account akan ada bacaan Expanded option (pilihan), baca dengan teliti instruksinya, anda di instruksikan untuk menekan tombol Get Number untuk menjadi Verified member PayPal (Kebenaran alamat anda sudah di cek oleh PayPal)

Pilihan 1 : Untuk mendaftar menjadi Verified member PayPal sekarang tekan tombol Get Number untuk mendapatkan 4 digit kode keamanan dari PayPal, yang akan dikirimkan kedalam statement bulanan kartu kredit anda selanjutnya, kartu kredit anda akan di charge $1.95 USD untuk keperluan ini. Tujuan mengirimkan kode keamanan PayPal ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa alamat yang anda berikan adalah benar (bukan alamat fiksi belaka)
Jika anda sudah mendapatkan 4 digit kode keamanan tersebut dari statement bulanan kartu kredit anda, login dengan account PayPal anda, kemudian dihalaman My Account klik bagian Activate Account – Complete Expanded Use Enrollment, setelah anda memasukan 4 digit kode keamanan tersebut account paypal anda akan menjadi Verified member dan akan ditambahkan $1.95 USD kedalam account PayPal anda otomatis karena menjadi Verified member, jadi hitung-hitung gratis. Setelah anda mengklik tombolGet Number anda akan dibawa ke halaman My Account….

Pilihan 2 : Jika anda tidak ingin menjadi Verified member sekarang lewatkan bagian Expanded Version ini, klik bagian Activate Account lain waktu dihalaman My Account setelah login untuk mendaftar menjadi Verified member agar limit dana anda tidak dibatasi, setelah anda melewatkan bagian Expanded Version anda akan dibawa ke halaman My Account….

Selesai, selamat anda telah memiliki account PayPal!

Anda sudah dapat menggunakan account PayPal anda sekarang juga

Catatan :

Sekarang anda sudah mempunyai account PayPal Unverified account untuk melakukan pembayaran atau mengirim uang ke account PayPal lain dengan limit $100 USD (atau mungkin lebih pada beberapa account tergantung kartu kredit yang digunakan), serta dapat menerima uang dari account PayPal lain dengan limit terbatas. Untuk menghilangkan limit Account paypal anda harus menjadi Verified member (Kebenaran alamat anda sudah di cek oleh PayPal) dengan cara mengikuti Langkah No.6 diatas. Dengan Unverified PayPal anda belum bisa withdraw ke rekening bank atau kartu kredit anda. Untuk bisa withdraw menarik uang dari balance paypal, anda sudah harus menjadi verified member.

Nah bagaimana caranya agar account paypal anda dapat verified tanpa kartu kredit? dan bagaimana cara agar kita bisa mencairkan paypal kita ke rekening bank lokal?

1. klik menu verified
2. masukkan data rekening bank lokal anda ( BCA,Mandiri,BRI dll)
3. Anda akan menerima 2 setoral dana dari paypal ke rekening bank yang anda daftarkan tadi
4. masukkan 2 setoral dana dari paypal (nominalnya) untuk verified
5. Sekarang status Paypal anda verified dan bisa melakukan transaksi di Paypal No Limit (tanpa batas)

Selamat mencoba

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

How to Manage Labels in Gmail

Google’s Gmail service bills itself as an intuitive, innovative way of organizing e-mail. One of the more useful concepts you may encounter in Gmail is the use of labels. Labels are much like tags on a blog post. They allow you to quickly access and sort through related information. Unlike a folder-based system in which each file or message can only be located in one folder, you can apply more than one label, and thus more than one reference, to each e-mail message. This article walks you through the basic steps to manage labels in Gmail.


Create a Gmail Account

  1. Open a Gmail account or log in to your existing Gmail account via

Select Labels

  1. Click the empty box next to any Gmail conversations you’d like to label or change labels on. A check mark should appear in each box.

Add a New Label

  1. Click the “Labels” button in your Gmail toolbar. This will provide a pull-down menu.

  2. Select a label. Use either one of the default labels provided (Work, Personal, Receipts, Travel) or select “Create New” to enter your own. Once you’ve selected a label, it will be applied to all selected conversations. Any new labels created will then be available under the “Labels” pull down menu for future use, along with the defaults.

Remove Labels

  1. Select a labeled conversation.

  2. Click on the “Labels” button in your Gmail toolbar.

  3. Click on the checked box next to the label you’d like to remove.

  4. Select “Apply.”

Edit or Remove Labels

  1. Access the label you’d like to edit or remove via the pull-down list of labels on the left side of your Gmail display. If the label you’re looking for isn’t displayed as a clickable link, you’ll find it underneath the “(#) more” heading, where (#) is the number of additional labels not being displayed.

  2. Click the down arrow to the left of the label. This supplies a menu that allows you to hide, rename or delete labels. You can also use this menu to add color to labels.

Display Labels

  1. Use the “Hide” option, accessed through the pull-down menu to the left of the labels in the left-hand Gmail display, to remove labels from the default list on the left of your screen and hide them under the “(#) more” display instead. This will not hide labels on your Gmail conversations.

  2. Click and drag hidden labels from underneath the “(#) more” display to the default label display if you’d like them to be readily visible once again.

Manage Labels

  1. Manage labels in mass quantities by clicking the “Labels” button in your Gmail toolbar and then selecting “Manage Labels.” This will pull up a menu featuring all of your current Gmail labels, with “Hide” and “Show” buttons next to each label. Most labels will also have a “Remove” button next to them, and can be edited by left-clicking on the label name.


  • In Gmail, e-mail messages sent back and forth between you and another person are collected together, much like index cards in an index card holder. This collection of related e-mails is referred to as a conversation, and a label applied to one message in a conversation will be applied to the entire conversation.
  • Note that there are some default “System Labels” used to organize your messages, and these cannot be removed. These system labels include Inbox, Sent Mail and Drafts.

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

How to Use the Internet on Microsoft Outlook 2003

Microsoft Outlook can be very convenient for e-mail, a calendar, tasks, and another overlooked (or at least not publicized) feature:
An Internet browser.
  • Steps
  1. Open Microsoft Outlook.
  2. Click on the address bar. There should be a toolbar with something like an address box on a browser. Click on it.
  3. Type in the desired web address and press Enter.
  4. View the webpage. When the website appears where the inbox would usually be, enjoy using it.
  • Tips
  1. The Microsoft Outlook browser is convenient when your regular browser is being blocked by Internet-blocking software.
  2. There should be a line between the left margin and the main window. Drag the line to the left to see more of the webpage.

Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

How to Turn on or off the out of Office Assistant in Microsoft Outlook

You can set up Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to send an automatic response to some or all of the people who send you e-mail messages when you are out of the office.
  • Steps
  1. Click Out of Office Assistant from the tools menu.
  2. Click Send Out of Office auto-replies.
  3. Select the "only send during this time range" check box to schedule when your out of office replies are active. If you do not specify a start and end time, auto-replies will be sent until you click Do not send Out of Office auto-replies.
  4. Type the response that you want to send while you are out of the office on the Inside My Organization tab
  5. Continue with the following steps to send auto-replies to people out of your organization:
  6. On the Outside My Organization tab, select the Auto-reply to people outside my organization check box, and then type the response that you want to send while you are out of the office.
  7. On the Outside My Organization tab, click My Contacts only or Anyone outside my organization to specify the people to whom auto-replies are to be sent.
  • Tips
  1. The Tools menu appears on the main Outlook window. The main window is the same window that appears when you start Outlook and includes the File, Edit, View, Go, Tools, Actions, and Help menus. There is no Tools menu in windows where you create or view items such as e-mail messages, contacts, or tasks.
  2. Organization is usually defined as your company and includes people who have an Exchange Server account on your e-mail system.
  3. When the Auto-reply to people outside my organization check box is selected, the Outside My Organization tab displays (On) next to the tab name.
  4. The contact must exist in your Exchange Server Contacts folder. If the contact exists only in a folder that is a part of a Personal Folders file (.pst), the auto-reply message will not be sent.

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

How to Get Thunderbird Email Messages Into Outlook

Since Mozilla Thunderbird has no function for exporting emails, getting your messages into another program is challenging. This method retains the original sender and send date information.
  • Steps
  1. Open Thunderbird.
  2. Select the messages you want to export to Outlook. How many you can export will depend on the size of each message and its attachments as well as the capability of your Internet connection and provider.
  3. After selecting the messages, right click and select "Forward as Attachments." A new mail message will open up with the email messages you selected as attachments. Enter the email address you are using with Outlook and press send.
  4. Open Outlook and click Send and Receive.
  5. Open the email containing the email message attachments and move this active window down a bit on your screen so you can see your main inbox area in Outlook.
  6. Select all the email attachments in the message and drag them from the active email into your Outlook Inbox folder, or whichever folder you wish to have them in.
  • Tips
    Make sure that you have disabled auto send/receive in Thunderbird before you start, or you may end up receiving messages you want to get in Outlook in you Thunderbird program.

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

How to Manage Email Using Microsoft Outlook Rule

It sounds simple. But is it? Are you doing the right steps? There is a way to manage email using Microsoft Outlook Mail Folders, but it is not always obvious how to do it effectively.
  • Steps
  1. Identify individuals or groups of people you regularly get email from.
  2. Identify individuals or groups of people you regularly send email to.
  3. From Outlook Mail, Actions, Rules and Alerts, create new rules for each individual group or person you regularly receive email from and direct these emails to be moved to a specific folder under the Inbox folder.
  4. Determine whether you want to A) be alerted when you receive a special message from this individual or group and/or B) mark it as read immediately. Review the other action options to see whether they can further assist you.
  5. Create new rules for each individual group or person you regularly send email to and direct these emails to be moved as a copy of the email you are sending to a specific folder under the Sent folder.
  6. Based on priority, decide when and in what order you want to stop processing a rule. This is particularly important when working with rules that deal with emails you send -- otherwise you will be saving multiple copies of the same email.
  7. Have one sent rule at the bottom of all of the sent rules with Stop processing. This rule will catch all emails that did not get placed into individual subfolders.
  8. On an ongoing basis, evaluate the Sent emails that go to the Sent folder that do not get moved to another subfolder. The number of messages in the Sent folder can indicate when it is time to create new subcategories of sent email.
  9. On an ongoing basis, evaluate the Inbox emails that go to the Inbox and are not moved into another subcategory. The number of messages in the main Inbox folder can determine when it is time to create new subcategories of received email.
  • Tips
  1. The key to managing email using Microsoft Outlook is learning how to create email categories and prioritize your emails -- think of it as pruning and weeding your email garden -- so you can benefit from the flourish of information you have available.
  2. Once the Sent and Received emails are categorized, it is easier to see where "email growth" is coming from and decide where to prune and create new branches.
  3. For example, advertising emails may be worth reviewing when they first arrive, but they soon go stale and can be removed. Bank notices and receipts you may want to hold on to longer.
  4. For the folders you create for Sent mail, you will want to adjust the view (right click on the display/sort bar of the folder, Customize Current View, Fields...) to remove the From and Received and add the To and Sent field.
  5. You may also want to add other useful fields to your folder's view. Size allows you to see and sort by the size of the message. You may decide to unburden your email folders of larger emails and manage them outside of email (i.e., save important attachments or save an entire email to location outside of Outlook).
  6. Consider changing the properties of folders to show the Total Number of Items rather than the Total Number of Unread Items, particularly, if you are already getting alerts for important new messages being received.
  7. Need help with spam in Outlook? spambayes. It's quick. It's easy. It's free.
  • Warnings
  1. When the number of messages in a folder approaches a certain number (50? 100? 200?), it is time to evaluate weeding, pruning, subcategorizing your emails in that folder.
  2. You should make your home version of Outlook your test case for creating Outlook email rules before you make changes to your work version of Outlook (or vice versa, depending on which you care about more).

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

How to Migrate Microsoft Outlook Xp/2003 Settings to a New Pc

Previous versions of Outlook allowed you to export your email account settings using a wizard. Outlook XP 2003 no longer sports this option. In this wikiHow we will describe a workaround that allows you to migrate your email accounts, either one or many, from an old PC to a new one by using Outlook Express as an intermediary step. The migration procedure described here also leaves you with a backup of all your existing email account settings.
  • Steps
  1. Open Microsoft Outlook XP/2003 on the old PC and wait until it has finished downloading email.
  2. Disable your Internet connection or turn off Send/Receive email in Outlook XP for the rest of the process:

    1. Navigate to Tools->Options->Mail Setup.
    2. Uncheck the box Send Immediately When Connected.
    3. Click the Send/Receive button.
    4. Uncheck the box Schedule an Automatic Send/Receive Every.... The copy of Microsoft Outlook XP/2003 on the old PC will no longer automatically check for email.
  3. Disable email checking in Outlook Express on the old PC:

    1. Open Outlook Express (OE).
    2. Select Tools->Options->General.
    3. Uncheck all boxes under Send/Receive Messages.
  4. Do the same on the copy of Outlook Express and Outlook 2003 installed on your new computer.
  5. Migrate your Personal Folder File (.pst ) using the Import/Export wizard in the old copy of Outlook 2003.
  6. Migrate your rules:

    1. Go to Tools->Rules and Alerts->Options.
    2. Click the Export Rules... button.
  7. Migrate your Safe/Blocked Senders lists:

    1. Go to Actions->Junk E-mail->Junk E-mail Options.
    2. Click the appropriate tab.
    3. Select the Export to File... button.
  8. Open Outlook Express on the old PC if it is not already open.
  9. Navigate to File->Import->Mail Account Settings in OE.
  10. Select Microsoft Windows Messaging for Exchange or Outlook as the email client to import.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Select the account you wish to transfer and click Next.
  13. Select Accept Settings and click Next.
  14. Click Finish.
  15. Repeat the steps above and import each account you wish to transfer to the new PC into to Outlook Express on the old PC.
  16. Go to Tools->Accounts in OE when you are finished importing all your email accounts.
  17. Click the Mail tab.
  18. Select the email account you wish to transfer to the new PC.
  19. Click the Exportbutton.

    • OE only allows one account to be exported at a time; you have to export accounts individually.
  20. Save the exported files to their own folder.

    • The files in this folder can also serve as a backup.
  21. Copy this folder to the new PC.

    • You can choose to share the folder, rather than copy it.
  22. Open Outlook Express on the new PC.
  23. Select Tools->Accounts.
  24. Click on the Mail tab.
  25. Select Import.
  26. Choose the email account you wish to transfer to Outlook 2003 on the new PC.
  27. Click Open.

    • Repeat this step for all accounts if you have more than one.
  28. Open Outlook 2003 on the new PC.
  29. Select File->Import and Export->Import Internet Mail Account Settings.
  30. Click Next.
  31. Select Microsoft Outlook Express as the email client to import.
  32. Click Next.
  33. Select the account to import and click Next.
  34. Update any account information as needed.
  35. Click Next.
  36. Continue until you reach the Internet Mail Login page.
  37. Enter the password for that email account.
  38. Repeat this import process for each email account.
  39. Close all programs and re-enable your Internet connection when the migration is complete.
  40. Test each account you have migrated to the new PC.

    1. Navigate to Tools->Email Accounts.
    2. Select View or Change Existing Email Accounts.
    3. Select the account you wish to test.
    4. Click on Change
    5. Click Test Account Settings on the next page.
  41. When you are satisfied that the accounts are working on the new PC they can be deleted from the old PC unless you wish to maintain them as a backup.
  • Tips
  1. Migrate your Personal Folder File (.pst) and Rules before migrating email Accounts.
  2. If you do not have Outlook Express installed on your system:

    1. Go to the Add/Remove Programs control panel.
    2. Select Add/Remove Windows Components.
    3. Choose Outlook Express.
  3. Be sure to correctly install and activate Microsoft Outlook XP/2003 on the new PC.
  • Warnings
    Disable your Internet connection to prevent email Sending/Receiving. By default Outlook and OE are configured to send/receive email when opened. You do not want to download email during the process of migrating to the new PC.

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

How to Organize Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

  1. Flag new mail with different colors for follow-up later. Do this by right-clicking on the mail. After follow up, simply click on the flag to turn it into completed item.

  2. Organize your receiving emails by moving them to different folders Go to Tools >> Rules and Alerts >> New Rule. By using Rules, you can automatically delete unwanted e-mails or move them to junk folder.
  3. Archive your old emails into personal .pst files. It's good to store yearly emails into separate file. Go to Tools>>Options>>Mail Setup>>Data files
  4. Keep your dates in order. Click on any time slot in the Calendar and begin typing. It will alarm you before the event or you can simply print out what’s in schedule.
  5. Organize meetings. Simply select a time on Calendar, create an appointment, and select people to invite. When the meeting notice is sent to invitees by e-mail, each will receive a meeting request. On Opening they can accept, or decline meeting by clicking.
  6. Build a digital rolodex. Simple choose "add new contact" in the Contacts tab and type in e-mail address, street address, multiple phone numbers, add picture for people and businesses you communicate with.
  7. Keep track of tasks. Tasks are more like a calendar; tasks can occur once or repeatedly, create a reminder of tasks by alarm. You can also send tasks to other peoples as well.
  • Tips
  1. To add reminder to an email message, simply select the email and drag it to the Calendar icon. A new Appointment form launches that includes a Subject line and the email's contents in the Notes area.
  2. If you don’t like a subject of incoming mail, open the mail, type the subject and save it.

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

How to Organize Yourself Using Microsoft Outlook

How you can free up time by being organized in Microsoft Outlook. This requires discipline but mostly organization of the program and what you do with the tools.

  • Steps
  1. The first thing that needs to be done is to turn off new email notification. To do this, Pull down the File menu, select Tools, then select Options. The options window will open. On the Preferences Tab click on the "E-mail Options" button. In the options window that opens, click on the "Advanced E-mail Options" button. In the options window that opens, look in the "When new items arrive in my inbox" section. De-select all the options.
  2. Make the calendar your default view in Outlook. It will provide you with a view of scheduled work for the day. To set calendar as your default view, pull down the File menu, select Tools, and then select Options. In the Options window, select the "Other" tab, then click the "Advanced Options" button. In the "Advanced options" window, lookin in the "General settings" section and click on browse. The select folder will open. In the "Select Folder" window, select "Calendar" and click OK three times.
  3. To include your tasks in the default window, pull down the File menu and select View, then select Taskpad.
  4. To view only tasks due today, pull down the File menu and select View, then select "Task pad view", then select "Today's tasks".
  5. Schedule a specific time each day to view your emails. Set 2 to 3 times a day to work with your emails, and don't look at them at any other time. Emails are a distraction and keep you from getting real work done.
  6. Whenever you read emails, always clear out your Inbox. There should never be anything left at the end of the email session. To clear out your inbox, you must decide what to do with each email. You have four choices: Delete, defer, delegate, or do.
  7. If you have dealt with the email, delete it.
  8. To defer an e-mail, create a task by dragging the email onto the task button in the bottom left corner of Outlook. A task will automatically be created; select a start date and time, and a due date and time, then save it.
  9. To delegate an email, create a task and assign the task to another individual or forward the email to another individual.
  10. The last choice is do whatever the task is that the email requires. If you do it, delete it from your inbox or move it to a personal folder where you keep old dealt-with emails.
  11. To block off time in your calendar, drag and drop an email onto the calendar button in the bottom left corner of Outlook. A meeting notice will open. Enter the time and date you want to block off, then save it. A copy of the email will be included with the meeting notice. Delete the email from the inbox or move to a personal folder.
  • Tips
    The main thing is to not be a slave to your emails. By turning off the new email alert and using the calendar as the default view, you can keep your focus on your work.

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

How to Quickly Access Your Calendar Using the To Do Bar in Microsoft Outlook 2007

Accessing your calendar in Microsoft Outlook isn't a tough thing to do. However, you can use the To-Do Bar in Outlook 2007 to quickly jump to future dates without navigating away from your Inbox look. It's an easy and powerful feature, and this brief article will highlight how it can be used.
  • Steps

  1. Locate and familiarize yourself with the To-Do Bar's mini calendar. By default, the To-Do Bar is displayed on the righthand side of the Outlook application, and you'll find the mini calendar at the top.

    The To-Do Bar will help you organize your time and tasks
  2. Click on the Month/Year heading on the mini calendar. It doesn't appear to be a dropdown menu, but that's precisely the kind of functionality which is therein hidden. In a series of clicks, the mini calendar can be changed to display the future month of your choosing.

    You may have not realized you could click here and start jumping far into the future without clicking away from the Reading Pane
  3. Go from there. Any day in the future is clickable on your mini calendar, and the next click takes you straight to the "Day" look of the selected day in your Outlook calendar.

    After you've picked a future month, pick a future day
  • Tips
    The To-Do Bar can be hidden, if you'd prefer to not see the mini calendar at all. Think of the To-Do Bar as something you can toggle to hide, just like your Start menu, but that it's probably most desirable to keep it displayed, unless you have low monitor resolution or screen work space.

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

How to Set Outlook Express To Leave Email Messages On The Server

Generally users of POP3 email like to download messages to their PC and take them off the central server. But sometimes you'll want to leave them there so you can access them again. Like most other mail client applications, Outlook Express can be configured to leave messages on the server indefinitely or for a specified period of time.
  • Steps
  1. Open Outlook Express
  2. Select Tools/Accounts.
  3. Click on the Mail tab, highlight YourAccount and click on the Properties button.
  4. Click on the Advanced tab.
  5. In the Delivery section, select the checkbox to Leave of copy of messages on server.
  6. Select the appropriate checkbox to delete the messages from the server after a certain number of days or until the messages are deleted from the Deleted Items in Outlook Express.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

How to Set up Microsoft Outlook

This tutorial will show you how to set up Microsoft Outlook to work with your e-mail account. These directions focus on setting up Microsoft Outlook 2003, but these settings are similar in other versions of Microsoft Outlook.
  • Steps
  1. Select Tools > E-mail Accounts from Microsoft Outlook

  2. Select "Add a new e-mail account" from the Email Accounts wizard window, and click Next.

  3. Select "POP3" for your server type and and click Next

  4. Enter your information as follows on the Internet E-mail Settings (POP3) window
  5. Click "More Settings"
  6. Select the "Outgoing Server" tab on the Internet E-mail Settings window

  7. Select "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication."
  8. Select the "Advanced" tab and change the "Outgoing server (SMTP)" port to 80 or 3535

  9. Select OK

  10. Click Next

  11. Click Finish
  • Tips
    "" is an SMTP relay server. In order to use this server to send e-mails, you must first activate SMTP relay on your e-mail account. Log on to your Manage Email Accounts page to set up SMTP relay. If you do not have SMTP relay set up and your Internet Service Provider (ISP) allows it, you can use the outgoing mail server for your Internet Service Provider. Contact your Internet Service Provider to get this setting.

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

How to Sort Emails and Addresses in Outlook Express

Are your emails and Address Book addresses all jumbled up with NO Logical Order. Outlook Express has a neat little trick to organize them.

  • Steps
  1. It is very easy for a novice user to accidentally make a mouse click in a box without knowing and rearranging the order of entries in both the email boxes and the address book lists.
  2. First we will deal with the Inbox, Sent items, Deleted box, the same rules apply to all mail boxes
  3. With Outlook Express open and one of the previous boxes displayed look very close in the boxes at the top etc. In one of these boxes notice a very light shaded triangle with either an up facing point or a down facing point.
  4. If you missed it, look closely just right of the words or or . Hey! there it is. This little triangle sets the sort order in the column where it is placed.
  5. Try clicking slowly two times on each word and and , note that each time a word is clicked the order of the emails changes A to Z ascending or A to Z descending.
  6. The common place for this triangle is in the column so your emails are sorted by date and time, up facing point sorts the emails so that the newest are at the bottom. Choose which ever you prefer to use.
  7. Outlook Express email Address Book is the same way, by clicking in the different header titles such as , you can sort the list.
  8. One difference is the header has 4 clicks at your command. 1st click = last name first ascending, 2nd click last name first descending, 3rd click first name first ascending and 4th click first name first descending. Play with it and set to your liking.
  • Tips
    This is a handy tool to find all the emails sent by one contact to locate an email that you may be looking for, click in the header and all the Jane Doe’s will be together and the Aardvark Smith emails will be together. Remember to set the sort order back to the column when you are done.

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

How to Setup Gmail on an iPhone

Setting up Gmail on an iPhone isn't as simple as choosing the Gmail profile apple builds into your phone. A customized profile will provide you with the most flexibility and control over your mail and where it goes.
  • Steps
  1. Open Settings and choose Mail, Contacts, Calendars from the list
  2. Delete your existing Gmail account if you added it via the automatic Gmail profile on the iPhone. You cannot simply edit the settings for that account, they will not save correctly.
  3. Tap Add Account...
  4. Choose Other from the list. This is probably the most important step.
  5. Enter your name, address, password, and description for the account. Then tap Save in the upper right corner
  6. Ensure the IMAP tab is selected (highlighted in blue)
  7. Enter the following settings:

    • Under Incoming Mail Server

      • Host Name:
      • Username: Use your full Gmail address, like
      • Password should be automatically filled in from the previous page
    • Outgoing Mail Server

      • Host Name:
      • Username: Use your full Gmail address, like
      • Password: Your Gmail password
  8. Tap Save and your iPhone will verify your settings and return you to the Settings page.
  9. Tap on your newly added account and then scroll down to choose "Advanced"
  10. Select the Drafts Mailbox, from On the Server under [Gmail] choose Drafts
  11. Select Sent Mail, from On My iPhone choose Sent. Gmail will automatically place a copy in your Gmail's sent messages folder. The iPhone does not need to try to do this manually
  12. Select Deleted Mailbox.

    • To map the trash can button to delete messages: from On the Server under [Gmail] choose Trash
    • To map the trash can button to archive messages: from On the Server under [Gmail] choose All Mail
  13. Change the Deleted Messages - Remove setting to Never. You do not want your iPhone to try and empty your trash, or delete your archive.
  14. Check your mail so your iPhone can sync up all the boxes.
  • Tips
    After mapping a folder to Drafts, Sent, or Trash, those folders will no longer appear in the All Folders listing. Instead, choose the item you mapped them to. This can be particularly confusing to always look in the "Trash" to view all of your mail.
  • Warnings
    Test out your settings to ensure they are working correctly. Make sure that messages you trash on the iPhone still exist in the web interface for Gmail.

Jumat, 27 November 2009

How to Switch Email Address to Gmail

If you are ready to switch over to one of the top 10 email providers on the web, then here is how to do it.
  • Steps
  1. Go to Gmail and click on "Sign up for Gmail" in the bottom right corner.
  2. Type in your first and last name, your desired login name, your desired password, security question, original email, and a word verification, then click "I accept. Create my account."
  3. After your email account is set up, go back to your other one and email all of the people on your "buddy list". Anyone you know isn't going to get it, or doesn't check their email, send them a letter through snail mail, or call them. Make sure they all have the right address.
  4. If possible, delete the email account for your old address.
  5. In your GMail account, you can add contacts to your buddy list. This site will tell you how to do it with almost any email provider.
  6. Now that you have your buddy list completed, you have to email all of them to re-tell them about your address.
  7. Although GMail rarely gets spam, you may still want to take other measures to protect your address. To protect your email address from spam, follow the instructions here.
  • Tips
  1. Always make sure everyone you want to have your email has your Gmail address.
  2. If you have important emails in your previous email account, forward them to you new Gmail account.

Rabu, 25 November 2009

How to Switch from Juno to Gmail

Gmail is potentially better than Juno, and to switch follow these easy steps.

  • Steps
  1. Create a Gmail account. (See wikihow's Get Gmail)
  2. Forward all your Juno E-mail to your G-mail address.
  3. Cancel your Juno account.
  4. Start using your G-mail account!
  • Warnings
  1. You must agree to the G-mail agreement.
  2. If you forget your password on G-mail you may not be able to get it back without a second e-mail address provided during registration to Gmail.

How to Switch from Hotmail to Gmail

  • Steps

Transfer your contacts

  1. Export your contact information per the instructions on Hotmail.
  2. Log into Gmail.
  3. Click on "Contacts" in the left hand sidebar.
  4. Select "Import Contacts" from the options.
  5. Select the file on your Desktop using "Browse". It will import all your contacts.
  6. Email all of your contacts and tell them your new address.

    • If you're signed up to any newsletters, you'll either have to check back to your hotmail account and click a link to change your e-mail address or just unsubscribe and subscribe again with your new e-mail address.

Transfer your messages

  1. Send important e-mails you want to keep to your new address.

    • Bulk transfer of all your current and future email is made easy with IzyMail
    • Gmail now supports IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol) so you can now transfer all your messages to gmail and maintain all the original header information such as date and sender etc. The following process works for Both free and premium hotmail accounts and ONLY with outlook 2003 or 2007. Microsoft does not allow hotmail connections to other mail clients. Simply follow the following steps:
  2. Enable Imap in your Gmail account under Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP > Enable IMAP > Save Settings
  3. Connect to your windows live hotmail account with outlook 2003 or 2007 by downloading the Microsoft Office Outlook Connector for Windows Live Hotmail. This is available at the following link: Use a Windows Live Hotmail account in Outlook You MUST have office 2003 or 2007, Outlook express will no longer connect to hotmail accounts and you must pass windows genuine software tests to download the plugin. the plugin acts like a kind of proprietary IMAP connection for Hotmail accounts only. All the steps to do this are available at the same link as above.
  4. Connect your gmail account in the same Outlook client using the IMAP connection. Gmail's help files can be located at the following links Outlook 2003 Outlook 2007
  5. Drag your messages from your hotmail account over to your gmail account, once you have both connections in Outlook. You can drag entire folders to the Gmail account's root and Outlook will automatically create new labels in gmail and add those labels to the messages in the folder. Gmail labels continue to be displayed as folders in outlook. folder names cannot have slashes (/, \) in them as Gmail uses these to denote label heirarchy rename your folders before dragging them to avoid mid transfer errors.
  • Tips
  1. offers a simple, risk-free and cost-free way to import Hotmail e-mails into GMail via POP3 (recently activated by Hotmail in United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, Japan, Spain, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands) without the need to pay (as per Izymail below).
  2. This link gives detailed instructions on how to transfer your email messages over from Hotmail to Gmail. It's not for the faint-hearted! If you make a mistake you will lose all information from both accounts!!
  3. provides an easier way to import all current and future Hotmail to Gmail without risk to lose messages.(Note : izymail is paid service)
  • Warnings
    Hotmail will automatically close your account after 30 days of inactivity, so make sure everyone has the correct address! You may want to log in every so often to see if any email is straggling behind.

There are many reasons to switch over to Gmail from AOL. AOL's internet is rather slow and the Instant Messaging feature can be accessed through the free AIM. Also you if you are already using the internet, you don't have to open up a new program to see your email.
  • Steps
  1. Visit the Gmail page. Gmail is free for everyone and you do not need another email address to sign up.
  2. Set up your account. Enter the information requested and click I agree.
  3. Read the help information about Gmail on the next page. If you are unfamiliar with Gmail the email you receive from the support team is very helpful.
  4. Personalize your account. You can add a picture that will be viewed by Gmail friends or personalize your iGoogle Homepage for starters.
  5. Notify people who email you at your old AOL account that your are changing to Gmail. Pick a user name that is similar or identical to your AOL user name so your friends and family will easily make the transition.
  6. Receive email from your old account for a week or so. Click Settings at the top of any Gmail page. Click Accounts along the top of the Settings box. Under Get mail from other accounts: click Add a mail account. Enter information and change your preferences, then add the email.
  7. Remind people who continue to email your old address that you have changed it. You may have to call the person to get the message across.
  8. Copy your contacts from AOL to Gmail:

    1. Export your address book in AOL's ldif format in AOL Communicator.
    2. Import your address book in text format in Thunderbird.
    3. Export your address book in CSV format in Thunderbird.
    4. Import you address book in CSV format in Gmail.
  9. Enjoy Gmail!
  • Tips
  1. Alternatively, copy and paste your contacts directly from the AOL address book and email it to yourself at Gmail. Unfortunately you will not receive phone numbers or other information. You may have to add that information manually.
  2. An alternative way is to go to Click on "Contacts" on the left hand side bar. Click "Export" (it's next to the 'find contacts' search bar). Export to a CSV, "comma-separated-value" file. Just import this in Gmail.
  • Warnigs
    You may have problems as AOL's ldif is different from Thunderbird's one (e.g. the phone numbers won't be in Thunderbird and after in Gmail). This is avoidable as long as you are using AOL's Beta Mail Service.

Jumat, 20 November 2009

How to Use Outlook Express to Access Your Gmail Account Via Imap

Gmail is an online email program that allows you to send and receive email. IMAP is another way of accessing your mail, possibly more convenient that the old POP3.
  • Steps
  1. Configure IMAP in your Gmail account
  2. Open Outlook Express and add a new account
  3. Type in your Display name
  4. Type in your FULL email address (including
  5. Choose IMAP access
  6. When it asks you the IMAP server name, type in "" without quotes
  7. When it asks you the SMTP server name, type in "" without quotes
  8. Your account name is not just "somebody" but ""
  9. Type your password
  10. Go to your account properties
  11. Select the 'Servers' tab
  12. Tick 'My Outgoing Mail Server requires authentication'
  13. Go to advanced
  14. Under outgoing mail tick this requires a secure connection and type in port numer 465
  15. Under incoming mail tick this requires a secure connection.
  16. Click OK.
  17. Your Done!
  • Tips
If this isn't quite correct. Try Google's instructions
  • Warnings
  1. Make sure that your port numbers are typed in correctly
  2. If you change your Gmail password. You will also need to change your server password on Outlook Express